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karen@jinzhi-steel.com 0086-13958112242

sawblade cutting for stainless steel tube

Hss M42 Bimetal Cutting Band Saw Blade
13mm x 0.6 teeth : 14/18T, 14T, 10/14T, 8/12T, 12/16T
19mm x 0.9 teeth: 8/12T, 6/10T, 5/8T, 4/6T, 3/4T


Hss M42 Bimetal Cutting Band Saw Blade materials 13*0.6mm

13mm x 0.6     teeth :  14/18T,  14T, 10/14T, 8/12T, 12/16T

19mm x 0.9     teeth: 8/12T, 6/10T, 5/8T, 4/6T, 3/4T

27mm x 0.9     teeth: 10/14T, 8/12T, 6T, 5/8T, 4/6T, 4T, 3/4T, 2/3T

34mm x 1.1     teeth: 5/8T, 4/6T, 4T, 3/4T, 2/3T

41mm x 1.3     teeth: 4/6T, 3/4T, 2/3T, 1.25T,1/1.25T

54mm x 1.6     teeth : 4/6T, 3/4T, 2/3T, 1.4/2.0T, 1.25T, 1/1.25T

67mm x 1.6     teeth: 3/4T, 2/3T, 1.25T, 1/1.25T, 0.75/1.25T

80mm x 1.6     teeth: 0.75/1.25T, 0.75/1T




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Please kindly pay attention to the following points :

1. Pay attention to the risk of bouncing off when unfastening the saw blade. When unfastening the saw blade, please wear cotton gloves to protect your hands and avoid rust when installing and disassembling the saw blade.

2. When replacing the bi-metal band saw blade, the main power supply of the saw machine must be cut off before it can be operated.

3. Fix the saw work piece firmly.

4. Do not touch the rotating band saw blade with hands.

5. Cut the new saw in full run-in period after installation.

6. Please check the working characteristics of the saw and inject enough cutting fluid.

7. Pay attention to the blade after treatment and application. Do not place it arbitrarily, but keep it properly.